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Political messages on WhatsApp: Are they permissible or prohibited?

Political messages on WhatsApp: Are they permissible or prohibited?

Political Messages on WhatsApp: Let us first inform you of one thing about the legal aspect of this WhatsApp marketing for politics before we continue with the political messages on the WhatsApp. Before I bring you the directions and techniques of sending political messages using WhatsApp, this is worth considering.


Due to being against the user policies to send political campaigns, WhatsApp does not allow the business to send Political Messages. The political messages within the WhatsApp platform are not legal, but some firms attempt to influence it in a wrong way, beyond permissive terms of the WhatsApp. WhatsApp business will not intrude on the privacy rights of the users while they will not be allowed to send such messages to others as well.

You must read the policy of WhatsApp to use it on sending political missions that are on WhatsApp. On the other hand, some businesses employ WhatsApp marketing for transmitting political information or even requesting an election.

sending political text msg allowed by law

In this article, you will be taken through the process of sending political messages on WhatsApp and how we can do it; you will also be able to follow the steps to send political messages on WhatsApp for your election campaign.

To send political messages on WhatsApp, there is a need to understand political messaging and how it is useful in sending such political messages using WhatsApp.

Is it Possible to Share Political Information on WhatsApp?

We are all conversant with the fact that WhatsApp is an instant messaging platform where people chat in groups and individuals can talk to each other at any moment from any place. Thus, it has been maintained that among others; the rapidly rising spreaders of news could be fake news or false stories in the sense of falsification. In political campaigns, WhatsApp plays a significant role too.

Possible to Share Political Information

WhatsApp has taken over our lives such as we start with good morning messages and end with goodnight wishes on this app. WhatsApp is used by adults, kids and teenagers alike. It is used for legal personal purposes, professional work, and even for illegal activities.

However, as the rates of WhatsApp increased in 2017 at a higher rate than ever before within 12 years so did cyber frauds and hacking increase over time. Consequently, WhatsApp was able to create some privacy policies to safeguard their customer’s conversations.

The social media platforms other than Facebook do not bring together people including politicians who want to exploit their relationships when they require them directly like WhatsApp does. The members of political parties reach out voters through WhatsApp directly during election season.

These political groups are established on a micro-level so that their numbers get blocked when they use this medium to communicate their political message via WhatsApp. Their numbers would thus appear as if registered in spams since these groups are very small indeed.

What is political messaging?

Political messaging, in simple terms, refers to the way any form of action or non-verbal communication that promotes political strategies, electioneering campaigns, and leaders. Political messaging is used, for political purposes when an election has to be done to meet their audience. Community outreach shapes the origin of political messaging and also from various angles on current affairs in the demographic audience as well as voters.

There is a common belief among elected officials that messaging is important and that parties’ choice of message affects public reactions significantly.

WhatsApp for Political Campaigning only provides basic features required to keep users interested. It enables group conversations, audio and video calling, document sharing, but text chatting remains its most common application.

As such, it has become a target for politicians using WhatsApp to reach out to potential constituents. We will look at some ways you can utilize WhatsApp’s power effectively in politics next.

Recent estimates show the increasing popularity of WhatsApp among political campaigns. These blog posts discuss how WhatsApp can be employed for political campaigning.

Can Political WhatsApp Messages Be Tested Before They Are Sent?

This can be done by testing political messages on WhatsApp in various ways; this is to make you have enough time to research and think about communication if need be. More opportunities for people to engage with your ideas, whether in a good or bad manner are provided when you run test political messages.

Political message testing can take the form of gathering information from your users through social media sites, verbally transmitting your messages at political rallies, sending notifications and so on.

What this does is that it makes sure that there is door to door delivery of the message as some of the political parties do polling tests so that they know what the people think. Nevertheless, quantitative studies also enlighten the politicians about public thought.

Today it is usual practice to create testable messages, then evaluate their performance across different demographics and geographic locations using polling and online advertising. When carrying out qualitative research, one must have the capability of judging the reaction of the crowd. If you cannot tell if what you are saying is being received well, then you should never even think about running for government.

What Makes WhatsApp Powerful As a Tool for Political Messages Delivery?

WhatsApp is the most suitable, simple, and efficient way of sending messages among all social media platforms. These politicians can use WhatsApp to send their political messages to specific persons. On the other hand, the election team members use WhatsApp for connecting with end-voters, mobilizing subscribers, raising funds and increasing poll turnout.

Setting up a political campaign on WhatsApp allows one to initiate political promotions as well as provide information to citizens while keeping them updated. As much as it is a very important component in any political campaign, targeting and interacting with voters is also crucial.

Politicians need to begin talking with their electorate via WhatsApp that should be followed by spreading a political message using this platform. WhatsApp is the most powerful tool because it enables people to get in touch with numerous individuals simultaneously.

WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API that allows users access real-time information such as polls or rallies can be used for sending such kind of political messages through WhatsApp. It also fixes problems that may arise during an election campaign including those related to software glitches on its platform.

What’s the procedure for setting up WhatsApp by Political Campaigns?

Political campaigns employ the use of WhatsApp for a range of tactics, singly or in combination, especially within the Global South where it has the great penetration power.

  • To make known information about party activities and causes
  • To create a ‘direct line’ between politicians and voters
  • To steer political discourses
  • To convene people around a collective concern
  • As part of sophisticated political marketing strategy to spread untruths or defame others

According to some of Tactical Tech’s partners’ national research findings, messages sent via WhatsApp are more powerful than those sent through other channels because they have a wider reach and seem to originate from a reliable source.

WhatsApp messages arrive at once unlike having 5000 Facebook friends, most of whom you do not know personally.

There are often online and offline training sessions on using WhatsApp for focused user-based marketing as well as political campaigns. Political marketing strategists who offer these trainings explain that there are also disadvantages associated with using WhatsApp for campaigning such as that messages can become too personally since they are “one-on-one” direct messaging network, which can be intrusive if the recipient does not know the sender or where they are sent too frequently.

This is why marketers suggest a complete strategy that involves mailing gradual messages and using supporters.

How to Create a WhatsApp Group for Political Messaging

WhatsApp allows one to send illegal political messaging so as to support and reach the audience votes. This is because; sending political messages through WhatsApp may have some insecurities and offensive contents to the end users.

However, making a WhatsApp group for political campaigns and adding everyone into it might not be the best option. Just talk about the campaign until information is available.

WhatsApp is fast, convenient and user friendly when you need to work with your team. You can make a WhatsApp group for hitting on the political campaign in no time. The following are the steps involved in creating a WhatsApp group to send political messages: You go on WhatsApp then click on “new conversation” then add people who you take interest in.

How User’s Date Is Used In Political Messages via WhatsApp

Because WhatsApp communication relies on senders having access to recipients' phone numbers; phone number databases are needed by activists as an invaluable resource. Campaigners have identified various ways of getting access to phone number databases such as:

To increase from their consumer databases, marketers and communication agencies gather data sources.

Besides personal database trade people and companies are engaged in, several different online marketing offers for the automation of WhatsApp group’s creation and management as well as sending messages can be observed. These are the ways that give “thousands of messages” and “unlimited senders.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can WhatsApp be used for sending political messages?

    No, WhatsApp does not allow interfering with users’ privacy and security. It is   against the terms of use of the messaging application to use it for these purposes.

  2. How can political messages be sent on WhatsApp?

    Updates and information about political campaigns may be sent by political parties using Jalpi in WhatsApp. One may also run an election campaign through WhatsApp via sending numerous questionnaires/polls and other interactive features connected with elections. Moreover, WhatsApp groups can be designed for a direct communication with supporters.

  3. Is WhatsApp using data about customers for political messages?

    Marketers and PR firms are collecting databases and are in some instances expanding these from their consumer databases. A good number database provides a good opportunity for activists as WhatsApp communication requires the senders to have the phone number of the recipient.

  4. How can I make a political messaging WhatsApp team?

    When making a WhatsApp team through which you are able to send political messages over the platform, you will need to undertake certain activities as will be discussed consequently; click “new conversation” tab on WhatsApp, thereafter add individuals with whom you share an interest.

  5. Which term defines political messaging?

    Political messaging defines any act, verbal or non-verbal communication designed to foster political strategies, leaders or electoral campaigns. Political messaging is used every time an election is called upon.

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